Sunday, December 1, 2013

Meditation Experience Day 21 last day

Today is was the last day of the Oprah and Deepak meditation challenge "Desire and Destiny. 

I can honestly tell you that this experience was a journey of its own.  Really taking the time to evaluate my life. I really have a problem with giving up to early and always complaining if things are not done. I have found that the things I love to do are my safe haven and my creativity is my definition of the world. 

This journey was a challenge... of me fighting with myself, arguing with my spouse and judging.  I do not want to live like that. My mind has been set free, I know what my joy is and the past three weeks has made me into a better person. I can now serve with a joyous heart. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 15 Serving Others Meditation Experience

It is very important for me to serve.  I was taught growing up to just be nice to people.  What you put in the universe it will come back to you.  

The great thing about it, is that anyone can serve and it doesn't matter what you do to serve others. I see a lot of disgrace among people of how we treat one another.  You should reevaluate yourself and ask... What type of person are you? 

Bringing joy to others, really makes my heart smile.  This Meditation Experience that Deepak and Oprah has set up is always right on point.  Everything that we have meditated about has open new doors in my life. This will shine light on what it all means what I do.  During lonely times I always ask myself... What am I doing this for? Deepak had helped me open my eyes to see just why. 


Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 12 Meditation Experience inspired me

I am inspired, I am unstoppable. 

I can't force something the universe doesn't want me to do. When something is inspired and created then it grows like a baby.  We have to know that your actions are aligned with cosmic law.  You can't see yourself, but the universe can. Your actions always have a reaction and even I need to remember that at times. Don't give up! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meditation Experience Day 5 "Passionate Me"

"Passionate Me"

These past few days have been a little tricky; I'm focused on what I want, but yet I'm scared of what the world might say.  I love my creativity and I am never nervous about showing it to the world.  One thing that is hard to accept is that creativity means loneliness.  When I put fourth my creativity, sometimes I feel shame because I see no one like me.  It gets scared, but I have to remember that I'm rare. I bring things to the universe that no one will bring besides me and its up to me to do it.  I have to remember that journey's are meant to be walked alone and you should know that too.  We are right where we need to be and I would like to share a speech with you by Steve Jobs.  This will give you wonderful insight on your journey and to love the "now". 

Enjoy the video! and have a wonderful day!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Meditation Experience Day 8 Om Varunam Namah

The centering thought
-My heart knows the answer

I can say I do know what I want in life. Even though I am only 26, I have made enough mistakes. I have learned from them and taking the next steps to achieve goals is all I crave. I feel a change within myself with this meditation; I'm centered around the universe.  I love being there, I really can't describe the feeling. 

We have to look deep within ourselves of what our hearts desire. I am glad Deepak stated that there is no wrong answer to what you desire. We have to go to that place in our souls and be still. Now it's time to take your desire and mold it into a creation. 

Still pump about this week meditation experience! Thank you Oprah and Deepak! 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 4 of Meditation Expereince "Aham Brahmasmi"

"We are all self conscious I'm just the 1st one to admit it"
-Kanye West

Well... I'm the second one to admit it and hopefully I won't be the last.
 In this meditation session I was aware what importance I am to myself.  In the mantra "Aham Brahmasmi" which means I am the universe, we experience a perfect world other people have and therefore we have to compete.  I have dealt with more low-self esteem in my adult years some years ago.  I have realize now that I am who I say I am and no one can tell me otherwise.  These desires that we have can't last long if you haven't had the courage to be completely naked to the world.  I will no longer compete with others for I know my strengths and I know what light I give to the universe alone. I really encourage you to fell good about yourself; at least pick one aspect that you love and start from there.   I am really enjoying this meditation experience that Oprah and Deepak has let us enjoy.  Its time to start opening up my eyes and see beyond myself; so that my desires and destiny can be fulfilled the way the universe flows.

I am smart
I am strong
I am beautiful
I am the universe


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 3 of meditation "Sat Chit Ananda"

Its Day the of the Meditation Experience by Deepak and Oprah and I must say that I have been looking forward to meditating every morning.  I haven't been the type of person that does not like a schedule or doing the same thing over and over again; this right here... has been an eye opener for me.

What I am beginning to learn about centering myself, is that you may be moving 100mph, but the universe is going 1mph (lol). Don't fight against the universe...The centering message for today was to let "abundance flows easily and freely to me".  In other words..."be still". I don't know how many times I have forced myself to be something I'm not or to push some agenda to try and get rich.  I ended up being exhausted and frustrated because I didn't see anything coming from it.  I  want things in life so bad that I forget sometimes what makes me happy.  We let worldly thing blind side us and get us off track, but I realize one thing is that the universe is never off track and the meditation session today has help me be beside the universe.  That what every powers its manifesting, its manifesting for me...and for you.  I now have to confidence win, be strong and survive this cruel world. 
